贴子来源:胡氏宗亲网http://www.hszqw.com.cn/bbs/read.php?tid=9226,作者:胡雄锋。 DVB:8"Bu G!rcY5!J 振兴胡姓族群计划 aNqVs|H Revitalize Hu surnamed ethnicity's plan G x,D'H' 倡 ;euWpE;E\# 议 ]
6:5<NW 书 3M@>kIT8 (研究稿) 8U;!1!+
V>['~| 振兴胡姓族群计划 @W.`'b- Revitalize Hu surnamed ethnicity's plan Ev^Xs6 }" 倡议书 (XW#,=rYk Proposal Rw/G =zV@2 立族-开篇 Zz
Kn,+ Setting up clan - the introductory song R
+\y". 人类的历史自有史以来就从来没有停止过以本族姓为血缘关系所进行的一系列家族活动。胡氏家族发展到今天这个规模,离不开先辈们在艰苦的历史岁月中,所立下的丰功伟绩!为传承胡姓家族优秀的人文历史,继往开来,我们作为胡姓历史接力赛的一环,更要深谙其中之真谛,了解胡姓传承历史之使命,让我们胡姓这一血统得到更好和维系与发扬,我们后辈必心怀这等责任与使命,为胡姓族群的振兴而团结起来,创造出更优秀的胡姓文化,以安先辈们的殷殷之望! `Mjm/9+18 Since it is surnamed a series of families activity carried on to never stop since the dawn of human civilization for blood relationship in human history. The moustache family develops this scale until today, is due to elder generations, during arduous historical years, great achievement made! For pass on Hu surnamed family outstanding humanity history, link the past to the future, we surnamed historical a ring of relay as Hu, want, know among them true essence well even more, understand Hu surnamed historical mission that pass on, let we Hu surnamed this blood lineage get kind maintaining and developing, we younger generation must harbour responsibility and mission like this, for Hu being surnamed development and unite, stand up of ethnicity, it is surnamed culture to create more outstanding Hu, by the looking of Yin the Yin Dynasty of elder generation of Ann! U!e4_JBR' [")0{LSA= 立族-历史渊缘 &McmA Setting up clan - historical deep pool reason (vI7qD_ 据史料,南宋末年胡万九郎从江西宁都迁长汀第三街大塘背。据传入汀州胡氏一系以胡铨(南宋赣西南人)为始祖,称“宋始祖忠简公”,另一系始祖胡辛于明洪武年间从江西临川入汀州,分迁馆前镇,童坊胡岭。长汀胡氏有西胡、东胡,自然是“五百年前共一家”。胡万九郎后裔迁宁化、汀州、上杭、兴宁、龙川、五华等地。 c<H4rB According to the historical data, ten thousand nine my darling of moustache moves to the large pools of street the third of Changting to carry from Ningdu, Jiangxi in last years of the Southern Song Dynasty. It is said entered to the state of spit of fland the moustache one regards Hu Quan (the southwest people in Jiangxi of the Southern Song Dynasty) as the first ancestor, claim " first ancestor Song loyal and simple and common ", another first ancestor until Linchuan enters the state of spit of fland from Jiangxi in the year 1381 Hu Xin, assign to and move the town before the hall, the moustache mountain range of virgin workshop. Changting moustache had west moustache, Donghu, " amounted to a home 500 years ago " naturally. Hu Wan descendants of nine my darlings move Ninghua, spit of fland state, Shanghai-Hangzhou, Xingning, Long Chuan, five China and other places. y.O? c&! ItRGq 立族-立志为族 61mQJHl. Setting up clan - resolve it for the clan 3/ [= 现在是到了胡族振兴的关健时刻,在这近一百年时间里,我们胡姓知名人士可谓是人才辈出,层出不穷啊,一个个响砌中华大地的胡姓后人,以自己的不懈的努力,为我们赢得了外姓人的折服与尊敬,胡适、胡文虎、胡耀邦、胡蝇、胡蝶、胡惠中、胡应湘、胡锦涛等等。 Z(<ul<?r 在耳濡目染了我们这些胡姓英模之后,我深深感受到血液里有那么一种力量在感化着我,这是一种做为胡姓后人无比的自豪感使然。这让我更深地感到要“立志为族”。 RtIc:ym The ones that go to the moustache clan to revitalize are closed and is strong in the moment now, during this nearly 100 years, we family name Hu well-known figures may be able men are coming forth in multitudes, emerge in an endless stream, one loud to build China Hu of earth surnamed descendant, with one's own untiring efforts, have earned the subdueing and respecting of the people of the different surname for us, Hu Shi, Hu Wenhu, Hu Yaobang, moustache fly, Hu Die, Hu HuiZhong, Hu Yinxiang, Hu Jintao,etc.. In influence by the surroundings we Hu these after being surnamed heroes and models, I experience blood it has to be then one strength in me of persuading deeply, this it is one that enable as Hu rightly by descendant's incomparable sense of pride. This lets me feel more deeply that will " resolve it for the clan ". gIRCJ=e[b 就现状而言,国因为之大,有大把人为其写史,家这因为之小,每个人都会苦心经营,唯独就族而言,能有立书记传者,甚为少见。为家作出贡献,只有家里人会记得,为国争光,这样的机会并不多,为族争光,却能使福荫子孙、万代留芳。但是当今,更多的胡姓人终其一生,无论贫富,都没有很大程度上感受到做为胡姓后人应有的骄傲。也很难感受到从胡姓的姓氏当中得到一种激励的力量。作为胡姓优秀的人文历史并没有得到很好的发掘、记载、保护与宣扬。这在很大程度上阻碍了我们后人得到这部分知识的途径。 wZC'BLD As regards current situation, because the country is big, host of people write history for it because this of home because it is small, everybody will arrange with patience and enduring resolve, only as regards clan, can set up the person who spreads secretary, very rare. Making contributions to family, only family members will remember, win glory for the motherland, there are actually few such chances, win honour for the clan, but can enable the shady descendants of the good fortune, keep sweet-smelling all ages. But nowadays, more Hu surnamed people throughout one's life, no matter rich or poor, experience until Hu surnamed descendant due pride to a great extent. Experience among surname that is surnamed Hu getting one strength of encouragement while being very difficult. Get very good exploration, record, protect and advocate outstanding humanity history as Hu. This has hindered our descendant from getting the route of this part of knowledge to a great extent. ?BLOc;I&a 我想,是改变现状的时候了,只要我们心存胡族,甚至每一个胡姓后人都能成为为胡族振兴的一股不能忽视的力量。因为每一张嘴都可以成为教化与宣扬的主角。 5vpf; I think it is time to change current situation, so long as we heart deposit moustache clan, even every Hu whether descendant can become for a strength that can be ignored that Zu revitalizes Hu. Because every mouth can become the protagonist enlightened by education and advocated. F;b|A`M 让在外奔波流浪的胡姓族人能够找到这样一个场所,一个可以说说家乡话的地方,就像回到自己家里,找到一种跟家里人说话的那种感觉。 这里是胡姓族人精神的殿堂,这里是记载胡姓族人荣誉的地方,只要大家团结在一起,拧成一股绳,就一定能够成就我们胡姓人更加灿烂的事业,荣耀胡姓、赢得未来! #t/Q4X
+ Let outside rushing about a vagrant one Hu can find such a place clansman, a place that can speak native dialect, just as get back to one's own family, finds a kind of that kind of feeling of speaking with family members. Here Hu surnamed clansman palace of spirit, here record Hu surnamed clansman place of honor, so long as all unite, twist into a rope, can unquestionably create we Hu surnamed people magnificent cause, honorable Hu is surnamed, gain the future! Xs!eV 立族-方法论 RF;N]A?* Setting up clan - methodology <5X@r#Lz 当然有很多人会说,自己也有这样一种胡姓情节在心里,可就是苦于找不到方法去实现,不知道自己能为胡姓家族做什么?不知道有什么地方可以有让自己出力的地方。其实这也是当前很多胡姓人心中不解的难题。 <=zGaU, 那就让我抛出自己的观点,权当抛砖引玉吧。希望各位前辈、同仁、不辞赐教、批评指正! 4;*V^\',9
xS(sR x+A 从我做起 yr=r?h} 每一个胡姓人都应该知道的事:那就是我们姓胡,我们的祖宗从何处来?我们的祖先当中有哪些人哪些事是值得我们记住的?我们身边有哪些胡姓人取得了哪些成就?我们能够为正在努力的胡姓族人做些什么?我们胡姓人是不是经常会团结在一起相互鼓励?我们会不会把更多的机会让给我们胡姓自己人?我们是不是把我们胡姓名人当成后人学习的楷模?我们胡姓人有哪些特有的优点是值得我们永远保持下去的?我们是不是愿意为一些胡姓人取得成功做铺路石?我们能不能原谅胡姓人不小心犯下的错?我们是不是应该自觉地去结交身边更多的胡姓人? Fx@
Take action from me every Hu surnamed thing that people should know: That is that we are surnamed Hu, where does our forefather come from? Ancestor of us have who what thing worth that we remember? Have which Hu surnamed what achievements have people made by the we? Can we be surnamed what does the clansman do for diligent Hu? We Hu whether people will often unite, encourage each other? Will we spare more chance we Hu surnamed ones of own side? Do we regard name people of our moustache as the model of descendant's study? We Hu whether people have which characterized advantage to worth us maintain forever? We like until some Hu whether people succeed, make, pave the way stone? Can we forgive for Hu surnamed the fault that people make because of carelessness? Should we go, make a at one's side more one Hu surnamed people consciously? ^M80 F 7 QqwXFk 建立小团体 =?f}h{8x> 无小不能成就其大,成立各种各样的小胡姓团体,推心论事,一起谈论胡族事务,交流、体会胡族人文知识。只要有几个姓胡的人在一起,就能够成立。然后把一些心得体会,或胡姓人文趣事以文字的方式记载下来,送到大一点的胡姓团体中以资分享。 |SxEJ Set up light group have, can accomplish their loud, establish various Xiao Hu to be surnamed the group while being little, treat others with sincerity and talk about the thing, talk about moustache clan's affairs together, exchange, realize Hu Zu's humane knowledge. So long as there are several persons whose surname is Hu together, can establish. Then some gains in depth of comprehension, or Hu that humane anecdote is recorded by way of characters, it is surnamed as a means of sharing in the group to send to a bit more greatly Hu. H!Od.$ZIX Ja (/ym^ 立族-行动 cYp}$ Standing clan - take action 5G!X
4%a 建议在外的胡姓人,以村为社,成立胡姓宗亲促进会社,主要研究本村人在外的成名事迹。如五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社。本社属志愿团体,所有开支均会向社员公布,所有赞助均将有计划的进行胡族事务的开展。并自觉遵守中华人民共和国宪法。 $(NfHIX Propose Hu outside surnamed people, regard village as society, establish Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society, people's deed of becoming famous outside of this village of main research. If five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society. Society this belong to wish group, all expenses can announce to member all patronage planned to carry on moustache clan development of affairs. And observe the Constitution of the PRC consciously. djSN{>S 中文全名:五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社 mi-\PD>X 英文全名:Five China Guangzhou Hu surnamed clansmen association for promotion society uZYeru"
w 宗 旨:悠悠祖德 崇文尚礼 团结宗亲 荣耀胡氏 o?b%L Aim: Long grandfather's Germany Chongwen is still the gift Unite clansmen Honor moustache ]Yj>~k:K 筹备委员会荣誉主席名单: r]E$uq
bR 筹备委员会主席团员名单: Kz<xu ulr y^nR=Q]_
y&CUT:M6 筹备委员会资深委员名单: )R|7> 97 S1+#qs{5a gRFC n6Q 宗亲促进会社的使命主要有以下几点(以五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社为例): jqLyX 01 记载本县胡姓人在外工作情况、从事何种行业、联系途径。 g@U#Y#b@" 02 胡姓人在外交流场所,定期举办族会和联谊联欢活动。 !;xE7w
03 让经商或从政者有更多推介自己的场所,并得到更多的成就自己事业的机会。 +p[~hM6? 04 为部分成功人士注书立传,并作为研究社主打活动内容。 ^s?
wnEo;j 05 定期出版族报,就一些胡族事务公告,和宣扬本县胡姓人在外的人事事迹,如有需要可随时打印或出版。 T2-> 06 团结胡姓族人的地方,在遇到我们胡姓族人遇到纠纷时,给予其提供最大的各种支持事宜。 AzV5Re8M 07 有自己的社徽、公章、宣传口号和旗帜。 =3T?U_u@ 08 逢年过节为每一位社员寄送贺卡。 :rj78_e9 09 对其它胡姓宗族团体进行联谊、联系的窗口。 _4W#6! 10 展示并传扬本县胡姓人在历史上各条战线上取得的成功范例。 ?UxY4m%R; 11 有自己严密的组织架构和常设机构。(普选产生) z=fag'fzM 12 有意识的推荐吸纳有能力的各类本族人到本社中担任职务。 B@=Yj_s 13 建立自己的胡族图书浏览室,有意识的收集有关胡姓名人的书籍资料。 3Yf$WE8#l 14 建立胡族促进事务表彰制度,对为胡族事业作出贡献的人授胡族荣誉一、二、三等勋章。 B.WJ6.DkS 15 建立五华广州胡姓宗亲促进会社网上事务博客站,及时收集有关胡族信息并联系外界。 W+eN%w5 16 对本县胡姓贫困学生考上大学无力交学费的进行精英攒助计划。 $YC~02{ 17 建立与海内外宗亲团体交流和联动机制,并共同为本族的振兴而努力! O-B3@qQ. h 18 参与胡族促进事务的前沿阵地。 n (|>7 19 鼓励本族商人,以优惠的价格回馈本族人士。 =QC^7T 20 推荐本族精英到本族人开设的企业中任职。 FjydEV 21 为本族人开设的企业进行行业咨询与推广。 [_0g^(` 22 为胡姓族群创办团体开创一个示范性效果。 ,qfa,O 23 追求以多赢的形式,推动本团队力量的有效增长。 6,7omYof 24 参照成功商会、考究以企业化产业的形式,带动族群的长远发展。 7 dzE"m |u+&xX7 宣 言:行动起来 振兴胡氏Take action Revitalize the moustache ]lo1Kw OMZT\$9yT 目 标:Goal - VE#:& 第一阶:建立起初步组织架构领导,论证胡姓宗亲促进会社的可行性以及推广方案 Ax%BnkU Set up step organization build up leader, prove Hu surnamed feasibility and spreading scheme to promote society originally xC{NIOYn' 第二阶:试行准备工作,了解胡姓后人对胡族团体的认同程度 N<{`n; Try preparation, understand Hu surnamed descendant identification with moustache's clan group intensity 9=o
b: 第三阶:根据以上调研结果成立胡姓宗亲促进会社,行使初步目标 t,+S~Cj| Establish Hu to promote the society according to the above-mentioned finding, exercise the preliminary goal Z\L@5.*ydE 第四阶:有比较系统化、规范化、文化性的目标胡姓宗亲促进会社 4sAshrUf Have systematized, standardization, goal of culture Hu to promote the society Lg?'1dg 第五阶:能够影响一些人胡姓宗亲促进会社 C:K\-P9 Can influence some people Hu to promote the society M'HOw)U 第六阶:建立起有自己人文历史的大众口啤的胡姓宗亲促进会社 \
1Bgs^ Set up, have one's own masses mouth of humanity history Hu of beer to promote the society O`u! P\ "
4`%NA 领导机构:Leading organ: J#kdyBmuO 名誉主席: K$
&wO. Honorary chairman(聘请名士担任) BNy"YK$ 社 长: IF:M_
President(主持筹建工作、规章的出草、分派任务、用款审订、及其它日常会务工作) ep?0@5D}] 秘书 长: {#%xq]r_ Secretary It is long(协助会长完成各项工作的落实、分派志工任务、收集各部信息、并归档各类文件) wY95|QS 理事 会: p3S
c4 Director Know(理事会对名誉主席负责,所有架构成员都自动成为理事会议员,凡理事都有对理事会负责并提议之权力,并通过理事会对各建议执行实施。) "tR.'F[n4P 组织策划: Z])_E6. Devise and implement(完成组织架构跟活动构想、与完善行动方案) ;1dz?'%V 宣传部长: W<4\4 Propaganda minister(负责各种宣传的谋划与落实、相片的拍摄与收集) K$.zO4 形象公关: $ {+.1"/[ Public relations of the image(负责与各种社会团体与个人的接洽、勾通、主持活动) /Ow?nWSt 文化传媒: aYgJTep>r Culture media(负责各种文案的起草、各类活动的文字报导、及网络维护) Dr1F|[ 'l:2R,cP 组织方法Organize the method ypd?mw&1} 一 是要了解本村各类人才的数量、分布、结构的基础,把胡姓最优秀的人才投入到本团体的筹办工作中来。 hG@ys5 二 是加强人才培训工作,尽量让每一个人,人尽其材。 lkm(3y@']A 三 是建立起工作业绩评价和社会评价相结合的人才评价体系,充分调动人员的工作积极性。 P&GZe/6Y 四 是加快人才开发信息化建设步伐,培育人才体系,把各类人才库建立起来,推进人才信息网络建设,实现人才信息的快速传递和人才资源共享。 Z]Y4NO; QdTe
!f| 资金筹措初步规划Preliminary planning of capital collection 9PJDT] 1、向上争。积极争取成功胡姓宗亲团体的资金支持,特别是争取在注书立传、胡族图书浏览室、精英攒助、出版族报等项目的支持,以有效的项目推广来筹集资金。 x.yL'J\) 2、向外招。有计划的向有实力、有意向的企业或个人宣传,争取赢得他们的重视和资金的项目冠名攒助,并在年度祭祖族会上适时颁发攒助证书。? -1:Z^&e/ 3、民间融。制定出台相关个人捐助计划,加大宣传力度,对每一项个人的攒助,无论多少都给予足够的重视,并在年度祭祖族会上适时颁发捐助证书。? /kz&9FM 4、服务增。通过制定客观、详尽、有吸引力的服务计划,利用本团体丰富的智力资源,如为企业家注书立传,写稿,在族报上发表,过年时节,邀请书法好的胡姓书法家书写春联,并义卖给胡姓人家,争取一部分资金。 6ZR0_v;TD 64lEB>VNm 原则目标Principle goal (2li:1j 1、 立足办社、着眼未来Based on running the society, having the future in mind K[[k,W]qb 2、 勤俭节约、力戒奢华Work hard and practise economy, strictly avoid being luxurious E1C_d' 3、 精品为先、力戒粗糙Masterpieces are first, strictly avoid being coarse hkJZqUA Wa(S20yF 宣传语录:Propagate the quotation: e
qR#` 行动起来、加入我们Take action, join us ,
.I^ekF 服务宗族、关爱亲人Serve the clan, care about the relative wb[(_@eZ 行善、积德、关爱、行动Do good works, accumulate virtue, care about, take action V.#8-?z 大圆、小圆、同心圆,圆圆相扣Big and round, little and round, concentric circles, the round is deducted 7j:{r
Cp3J 大心、小心、同情心,心心相印Big heart, taking care, sympathy, have mutual affinity DS C4 爱心、恒心、苦心、都是有心Love, perseverance, great pain, having hearts /)1-^ju 行动起来 拉起你的手我的手Take action Draw your hand my hands p5l$On 行动起来 串起你的心我的心Take action String your heart my heart :/NN=3e 身边的人、身边的事:自家人、自家事The person around, thing around: People on one's own side, family matters since a%
!XLyq 用行动来换购一份美妙的心情吧!Change and purchase a wonderful mood by taking action! _p&$X 就需要你,请快来吧Need you, please come quickly (Pd>*G\ 善良的人团结起来The kindhearted person unites M@ kZ(Rkv 帮助你,也帮助我自己Help you, help myself too l:eN u}{& 一想起来就感到美好Remember that feels beautiful &[RU.Q!_H 送给自己的生命一份礼物吧Give one's own life a present ='0!B]<G 为孩子树起一面信念的旗帜Set up the flag of a faith for the child [S:)UvB
花开时刻,与你同行The flower is in bloom the moment, go together with you !
cb#fl 让亲情在我们的生命中旅行Let the kindred travel in our life #+
'@/5{ n 你的一个行动、温暖一片人心An action, make a slice of heart warm of yours 0I((UA/7Zs 你来了没有?Have you come? e{;e 生命不息、亲情不止The life does not stop, the kindred is incessant BcLt95;.\ 感动也是一份美好的回忆It is a bright memory too to move ,*[LnR 你的微笑也是对我们一份最坚定的支持Your smile is to a firmest support of ours too dmz3O(]$ 温暖的天气,温暖的活动,温暖的心情Warm weather, warm activity, warm mood yxN!*~BvL 立族-尾声 G
C'%s qfu2}qUX~% 赫赫吾祖 肇始四方 }^[@m# 源远流长 繁荣盛昌 _w;+Jh 英贤辈出 奋发自强 X t =bc Illustrious my grandfather It is of long standing and well established to start all sides Prosper and hold prosperous Great Britain and come forth in large number virtuously Rouse oneself and improve onese6 L_
mqC(vn 本宗亲团体为更好的服务本族人士,欢迎各种团体提供各种不同形式的攒助或服务,并对提供攒助的热心团体或个人表示由衷的敬意。 Y2-bU 7mo Clansmen this group for fine service this clan personage, welcome various group offer all kinds of forms collect together help or service, and express the sincere compliments in offering and collecting together the enthusiastic group or individual helped. 8~E)gV+v r%pFq1/'! 对参与此次倡议起草的胡姓宗亲代表表示深深的敬意,其中有现在五华广州胡氏宗亲会会长胡坤泉前辈、艺术人士胡艳明、等,在这里对他们深厚的族群情节和意识表示深深的感谢。 l;A_Aii( 希望此倡议可以开创一个族群文化的先河,并为以后胡氏族群文化的发展起到一个启示 作用!并恳请宗亲前辈指教、展望有识之士能促成此宗族事业的发扬光大、荣耀胡氏! <&:&qngg ts<dUO
附后记:(正着手起草中)打◣号的为已完成 9/Dt:R3QU ◣振兴胡姓族群计划倡议书 ap^=CEf ◣胡氏五华广州宗亲登记表 l7,qWSsnK ◣胡氏五华广州宗亲促进会社的标志设计 %wW5)Y I ◣胡氏五华广州宗亲促进会社社徽的应用 ]Rh(=bg ◣胡氏五华广州宗亲促进会社组织架构 q}$=bR1+ ◣会社筹备成立费用计划支出一览 JF%=Bc $C ◣胡氏五华广州宗亲促进会芳名录 3|Sy'J0'K ◣胡氏认同族群调研表 "5:f{GfO#v 胡氏五华广州宗亲会社的发展规划 j7#GqVS' 族群产业化的推广 ;6nZ 关于深化胡族年青一代的族群情节 HY;?z`= 会费征集与应用规范 =jc8=h[F< 胡氏五华名人记事 k!=GNRRZE 族会举行形式的探讨与选举组织机构的运作 ==1/N{{R 打造胡氏五华广州宗亲会金字招牌 /dt!J
`: 与海内外胡姓团体联系模式之考究 \!Zh= "hN 论族群文化对人的影响 jHH
族群文化的进步性与根源性及其宣扬模式 WgJAr73
l 胡氏五华广州企业详录 $af}+:' 胡氏传统文化发展纲要 * g4Cy8$ 族群精神支柱论 |7zP8 言书立传的必要性与迫切性 ;-pvc<_c< 胡氏族群荣辱观 Lzx$"R- 名门大姓 胡氏历史考记 WWW#s gM% 爱我族群 兴我胡氏 5jV97x)BGx 振兴胡氏的历史条件 Q5nyD/k4c 兴胡氏 兴客族 兴中华的使命论 7&V^BW 论团结胡氏的重要 6^O?p2xpo 创建培养精英的族群文化设想 nFn
F_ yVHlT
i i@1!o 起草人:胡雄锋 N
u/Qa:H_{ Draftsman: Hu XiongFeng =veOVv[Q&/ 时 间:2006.12.28 |$w={N^4 Time: 2006.12.28 z-G7Y# 地 点:于广州白云山下 xeM':hD.o Place: Under White Cloud Mountain of Guangzhou /Jf`x>eiH 电 话:020-26277108 MW$H/:3 Tel.: 020-26277108 ^>8]3@ Nh 8='21@wrN 7.
9s.* 作者简介:胡雄锋 男 梅州市五华县安流镇东礼人士 联系电话:13711516830 QQ:309508509 yj'' \ 安中广州校友会副秘书长 Xm:=jQn 广东省书画家协会漫协资深会员 <hZ}34?]i2 自由作家 自由撰稿师 自由设计师 自由摄影师 自由书画师 自由策划师 自由漫画师 eH%L?"J~: 中高端家庭或个人相片故事整理回忆录发起人 nX\]i~ 作品<保护什么>发表于1997年北京时事杂志 V/}>>4 作品<路是人走出来的>获1999年漫画大赛一等奖 BrH;(*H)8 作品<爱我家园>获2005年恒大集团金点子大赛一等奖 8@yc}~8 *